20 Questions That Will Help You Find The Perfect Gift For Anyone

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Finding the perfect gift for everyone on your list is always tricky. We often struggle to choose the right gift for the right person and the huge variety of gift options available online can be overwhelming. Complicating matters, we exchange gifts for many reasons – to express our love, gratitude, and affection. Of course, we also give gifts to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, baby swhowers and so on.

But finding the perfect gift is easier than it sounds. We prepared 20 thought-provoking questions that will help you find the perfect present for everyone, no matter what your budget!

1. What are their interests?

Considering recipient’s hobbies and interests are one of the best and easiest ways to find a meaningful gift. Thanks to their passions and how they like to spend their free time we can find many unique ideas of gifts for different occasions. It can be a thematic book, a gadget or an activity in the place that is linked to their hobby.

2. What is their personality type?

It is worth to take into account person’s personality when choosing a gift. Some may prefer practical gifts, while others appreciate sentimental or artistic items. Take into account whether they are introverted or extroverted, adventurous or homebodies, and choose accordingly.

3. What is their personal style?

The recipient’s personal style can give us lots ideas and clues for the perfect gift. Do they prefer classic, vintage, or contemporary items? Are they more into bold and colourful pieces or subtle and minimalist designs? Understanding their style can help you select a gift that resonates with their aesthetic preferences.

4. What are their favourite books, movies, or TV shows?

If we can’t find anything related to hobbies, let’s think about books, movies, and TV shows that they enjoy reading and watching. If you know their preferred author or genre, you could consider getting them a cinema tickets, new book or gadget from the TV series that they love.

5. Have they offered any hints or do they have a wish list?

Sometimes, people drop hints or create wish lists to make it easier for others to select gifts for them. It’s always worth checking if the person you’re buying a gift for has shared any specific preferences. This way, you will make sure that your gift is something they truly want or need.

Finding the perfect gift
Credit: Galina Zhigalova / Adobe Stock

6. What is their favourite type of cuisine?

Food-related gifts are always a hit, especially if you know the recipient’s favourite type of cuisine. There are tons of great gifts ideas related to cooking. The choice is vide: a cooking class voucher, a gourmet food basket, a reservation at a popular restaurant, or high-quality cooking ingredients.

7. Are they into fitness or wellness?

If the person you’re buying a gift for is sporty and likes to exercise, then you won’t run out of options. You could consider a gym membership, a fitness tracker, a yoga mat or a subscription to a wellness app – just to name a few ideas.

8. Do they have any upcoming special occasions?

Take note of any upcoming special occasions in their lives. It could be a birthday, anniversary, or graduation. That is a great opportunity to find a personalised gift. Think of something that commemorates the occasion or reflects their current stage in life.

9. Are they eco-conscious?

If the person you’re shopping for is passionate about sustainability, consider eco-friendly gifts. This could be a reusable water bottle, a set of bamboo utensils, or a zero-waste starter kit.

eco-friendly gifts
Credit: Nungning20 / Adobe Stock

10. Do they like to travel?

For globetrotters, you can buy something related to their favourite destination. It could also be a travel guidebook, a scratch-off map, or even a gift card for a travel agency or airline.

11. Do they collect anything?

If the person you’re buying a gift is a collector, consider getting them something that complements their collection.

12. What are their favourite scents or fragrances?

How about perfumes? This is a very popular gift, especially for women, but that doesn’t mean it’s old-fashioned. Find out if the person you’re buying a gift for has a favourite perfume, cologne or scented candle. You could surprise them with a new fragrance or a set of luxury candles.

13. What are their current needs or challenges?

Consider the current needs or challenges of the person you’re buying a gift for. Are they moving to a new house? Do they need help organising their workspace? By addressing their specific needs, you can provide a practical and thoughtful gift.

14. Do they prefer experiential gifts?

Sometimes the best gifts are unconventional and unexpected. Try to think outside the box and consider experiences, subscriptions, or services that align with the person’s interests. A cooking class, a spa day, or a concert ticket can create lasting memories.

Credit: Atlas / Adobe Stock

15. What is their favourite way to relax?

Think about how the person likes to relax and unwind. Do they enjoy cosy nights in, spa treatments, or outdoor activities? Choosing a gift that allows them to relax will surely be appreciated.

16. What are their favourite activities to do with others?

Think about the activities the person enjoys doing with their friends and family. Do they like hosting dinner parties, game nights, or outdoor adventures? You could consider gifting them items that enhance those activities, such as a board game, a gourmet cooking set, or camping gear.

17. Are they going through any life changes?

What about special occasions that the person is having in their life? Are they starting a new job, moving to a new city, or becoming a parent? Consider how you can support them during these transitions with gifts that are both practical and meaningful.

18. Do they have any pets?

If the person you’re buying a gift for has pets, consider getting them something for their furry friend. It could be a personalized pet bed, a toy set, or a subscription to a pet-themed monthly box.

19. What have they talked about buying for themselves?

Have they mentioned something they want or need recently? Paying attention to what they say and you just might hear exactly what they need.

20. What is your budget?

Last but not least, don’t forget to consider your budget when selecting a gift. It’s important to find something that is thoughtful and meaningful without breaking the bank.

We hope the 20 questions above helped you find gift ideas for the person you want to surprise and show that you care about. Good luck!