Everything You Need To Know About An Amazing Housewarming Party

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Moving is not only a change of address, but also a symbolic step towards a new chapter of life. After unpacking the last box, everything that was just a plan now becomes a reality. It is worth celebrating such an important moment in life by organizing a housewarming party. Housewarming parties have been celebrated for centuries, and the roots of their tradition run deep in various cultures. There is a special joy that comes with welcoming friends and family into your new home. In this post, you will find everything you need to know about hosting an amazing housewarming party.

Table of Contents

When to host a housewarming party?

A well-timed housewarming party is one of the keys to its success. First of all, don’t rush it. Take your time to organize it so that you will be able to have fun with your guests. Usually, a housewarming party is organized within six months after you move in. When it comes to setting a date, you have three options.

Towards the end of finishing the work of moving in

You can choose to host the housewarming party shortly after the move with still-unpacked boxes and fresh paint. Your house will probably look a little bit empty, but it will be more spacious without furniture and other décor and any damage that occurs during the party will not be that noticeable or will be easy to repair at this stage. Any under- or unfinished items, such as concrete flooring, light bulbs instead of lamps, or temporary furniture at this stage, are completely fine.

Keep in mind that when you organize a housewarming party in an unfinished house or apartment, you can’t forget about basic amenities:

  • Access to water and a bathroom – the party cannot take place without running water, access to a toilet and a sink;
  • Electricity – proper lighting in all rooms is crucial, especially for the safety of your guests if there are still exposed cables or uncovered sockets;
  • Heating – you’re planning to host a housewarming party during the autumn or winter, remember to make sure that the heating is working properly, so your guests don’t freeze;
  • Places to sit – At this stage of the move, when all the furniture is not yet in place, be sure that you have seating for all your guests.

Before moving in 

Another convenient time to organize a housewarming party is when almost everything is decorated, but you have not yet moved into the house. Most of the furniture is already there, the kitchen and bathroom are mostly decorated, but your personal belongings and decorations are not yet in place. 

After moving in 

The last option is organizing a housewarming party once you move into the apartment. It is already fully equipped, furnished, and decorated, showcasing your own style. Everything is in place and you are ready to present your new home to your friends and family. 

When to host a housewarming party

What to include in an invitation?

Housewarming parties are usually very casual, but that doesn’t mean that sending an advanced invitation is not required. Be sure to let your guests know the date of the party at least three weeks before, but the earlier the better.

Once you have set a date for your housewarming party, it is time to write an invitation. Besides the obvious, basic information such as the date, time, and your address, here’s a checklist of key elements you should include in your invitation:

Give clear directions

Include a map from the Internet, detailed directions to your home, and even photos of the building or neighborhood. This will reduce the possibility of your guests getting lost as they visit for the first time. 

Include parking instructions

Make sure to inform everyone where they can park their cars close to your home. If parking might be a concern, provide information about all available parking options or suggest nearby parking lots.

Tell them about the dress code

If there’s a specific dress code or theme for your party, mention it in the invitation so that guests can dress accordingly. If you decide to choose a theme for your housewarming party, you can include elements of that theme in the invitation design.

Ask For RSVPs

Include a clear RSVP deadline and provide contact information, such as a phone number or email address, so that guests can respond. This will help you plan the details of the event, including snacks, drinks and entertainment. 

What is the best food to serve?

When hosting a housewarming party, you should carefully plan the food and drinks that you will serve. There are a lot of easy options now, like ordering catering or takeout food. You can also ask your guests to bring something to eat or drink. Ideally, the menu should consist of both hot and cold snacks and drinks.

Finger food and a buffet are the best solutions for an amazing housewarming party. Prepare the food station on a big table so everyone can easily grab something for themselves. Offering a diverse selection of snacks will match the drinks you serve and will ensure that everyone will find something they like. Remember to ask your guests about their dietary restrictions or preferences in advance and labeling each dish.

Be clear about serving food at your party. If you don’t plan to serve any snacks or meals, don’t invite guests at lunch or dinner time. Invitees will expect food at these hours, so it is better to choose a time long after lunch or late after dinner. Regardless, if there is no food, make it clear in the invitation. This way, you will avoid “hangry” guests.

Choose paper plates and cups

When organizing a housewarming party, think about a quick cleanup afterwards. Forget about ceramics and glassware. Buy disposable paper plates, cups, and wooden cutlery that you will just throw away after the party is over. That way, you do not need to worry about doing dishes. This will not only simplify post-party tidying, but will also allow you to focus on having fun without worrying about breakable tableware. 

Home tour during housewarming party

Offer Your Guests A Quick Tour of Your House

A home tour is a must during your housewarming party. It’s the reason why your family and friends are at your place! Make sure all rooms are tidy and have the proper lighting. Organize short, individual tours of the house for guests as they arrive. That way you’ll be able to talk to everyone one-on-one before joining the rest of the party invitees.

Start with shared areas like the living room and kitchen before moving to more private spaces. Prepare some interesting facts about each room, such as the inspiration behind the décor, furniture or any unique features.

During the home tour, strategically plan the route, ensuring guests flow smoothly from one area to another. You can also tell some funny stories about each room or anecdotes about the renovation or decoration. If possible, share any interesting historical or architectural details about your home. Finally, don’t forget to include some fun facts about the neighborhood. Make the home tour informative and amusing.

Prepare a Special Place for Gifts

Be ready for housewarming gifts! However, remember that a housewarming party is for welcoming friends and family into your new living space. Presence is more important than presents! Don’t expect everyone brings gifts and skip sending a registry.

Open each guest’s gift upon arrival at your house. If this will be too problematic, schedule the opening for another time during the party. Preferably, one or two gifts at a time rather than all at once. Show your guests that you appreciate their housewarming gifts, but don’t make them the main point of the event. Be sure to prepare a suitable place to put all the gifts so they won’t get in the way of guests while they are having fun or touring your home.

Add Few Activities

Make your housewarming party more fun by adding games and activities. This will be a great way to break the ice and introduce guests if they don’t know each other. You could set-up DIY crafts or simple, short games to keep everyone entertained and mingling. You can also play some improvised games such as beer pong, Pictionary, charades, “Who am I?” or “Truth or Dare.”

Remember that the selected games should be tailored to the age and character of your guests. As much as possible, you want to have activities that everyone will enjoy and won’t make anyone feel uncomfortable.

Dancing at housewarming party

No music, no party

A good playlist is one of the key organizational points of an amazing housewarming party that you can’t overlook. Depending on the style and, perhaps, the theme of the party, it’s also important to take into account the preferences of your guests. As much as possible, choose songs that will appeal to everyone and won’t be irritating or inappropriate. Create an awesome playlist that suits the vibe of your party, setting the perfect backdrop for conversations.

Make sure that you have everything you need to play music. Set-up your speakers and computer or phone well in advance, connect them and test them before the party. This little step will save you a lot of stress on the day and it will definitely save you from the party disaster of silence.

With the right music, you will set the mood and boost the energy level of your housewarming party. Whether it’s background music or dance tunes, a carefully chosen playlist is always appreciated by party guests.

Set the mood with lights at home

Set the mood with lights

A housewarming party is probably the only party where your house is a decoration in itself, and all kinds of imperfections are welcome. Therefore, excessive party decorations are not needed, but the right accessories will help. One of the best choices will be different styles and colours of lighting. It will allow you to create a lovely, warm and fun atmosphere in your new home.

Candles in glass lanterns or LED candles will create a cozy atmosphere that is perfect for dancing and conversations in an intimate circle.

On the other hand, if you are planning a disco-style party, choose colourful, rotating party light bulbs. You can go even further and set up a disco ball or disco laser lights. Even your more shy guests will feel more comfortable to just stand up and dance!

Another simple option for changing the atmosphere are light garlands, so-called cotton balls, or even Christmas tree lights.

They can be simply placed on the floor, in the corner of the room, hung from the cupboards, or rolled up in a basket. This kind of light arrangement in several parts of the house will make your place cozy and look more interesting.

Inform your neighbors in advance

If you are not planning on inviting your new neighbours to your housewarming party, inform them in advance that you are having people over. Especially if you live in an apartment and you know you might disturb them later in the evening.

So be a thoughtful neighbour and warn them about potential noise. A simple courtesy note or conversation can go a long way toward building positive relationships with those living nearby. Share the details of the party, especially if you are planning music and dancing, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

thank you note

Don't Forget to Thank Your Guests

Finally, don’t forget to write thank-you notes after the party. Express your appreciation for the presence of your guests as well as any gifts that they brought. Take the time to send your guests personalized thank-you notes.

Be casual and genuine. Let them know that you want to see them again and that they are welcome to visit you anytime. This will leave a positive impression on the guests and allow you to complete the perfect, amazing housewarming party!